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:: Volume 7, Issue 2 (8-2012) ::
2012, 7(2): 1-14 Back to browse issues page
Antecedents and Outcomes of Non-Academic Behaviors Among University Professors
Abstract:   (3072 Views)
Background: There are certain expectations of academics due to having sensitive and specific tasks and missions; so the impact of their behavior in the communities can be doubled. Therefore in addition to direct impact on students, educational experience, perception and learning quality, their non academic behaviors can affect other areas of community indirectly, and endanger universities' credibility. Given the importance of this issue, in this paper attitude of university professors towards non-academic behaviors, causes and consequences of these behaviors has been investigated.
Methods: Given the nature of research, we used theme analysis method and for data collection interview is used. Also, snowball method has been used for sampling.
Results: In result of literature review and interviews with 32 expert professors, 7 factors have been identified as major causes of non-academic behaviors in Iranian universities; Inappropriate structure of universities specially the teachers evaluation and promotion system, financial problems and job insecurity, lack of autonomy and participation in community affairs, the lack of clear identity, lack of familiarity with the  academic and non-academic behaviors, weakness of personality, faith and cultural issues. According to the results, the impacts of non-academic behaviors can be investigated in three levels: the individual, university and macro (society) level.
Conclusion: There is no doubt that scientifying academic culture, defining and clarifying academic identity for university teachers and students, improvement of teachers' evaluation and promotion system, valorizing moral values, improving the socialization of students, combining cultural-ethical and scientific-educational norms and revival of moral figures of university and seminary history, can help academics to improve status quo.
Keywords: Non-academic behavior, Academic ethics, Professional ethics.
Full-Text [PDF 175 kb]   (714 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/10/1 | Accepted: 2017/10/1 | Published: 2017/10/1
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Antecedents and Outcomes of Non-Academic Behaviors Among University Professors . Ethics in Science and Technology 2012; 7 (2) :1-14
URL: http://ethicsjournal.ir/article-1-693-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 2 (8-2012) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه اخلاق در علوم و فناوری Ethics in Science and Technology
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