Compilation of the Objectives of the Cyber Ethics Education Curriculum Framework for the Elementary School
Abstract: (591 Views) |
Background: Paying attention to the goal element as a starting element in the education process is necessary and significant. Considering the function of ethical goals in the elementary school, the current research was conducted with the aim of explaining the goals of the curriculum framework of cyber ethics education in the elementary school.
Method: The qualitative research method was inductive-inferential. The research community consisted of all cyber ethics curriculum experts in the elementary school (both professors and university lecturers in the field of curriculum planning) and the research sample was 16 people in a targeted manner - until the categories extracted from the selected codes were saturated. Data collection was done with semi-structured interviews and inductive-analogous content analysis.
Results: The findings of the research were coded during two inductive and comparative stages, and after checking the saturation of the categories, they were compared and placed with the eight goals of the elementary school in the upstream documents. After coding and extracting the goals, their areas were determined based on the classification of Bloom's goals (cognitive, attitudinal and skill).
Conclusion: According to the upstream documents of the elementary school and the existence of a gap in the subject of the objectives of the cyber ethics education curriculum framework in the elementary school, the eight goals of faith, moral, scientific and educational, cultural and artistic, social, biological, political, economic related to Cyber ethics according to the elementary school was summarized and presented in the form of knowledge, attitude and skills.
Keywords: Cyber ethics, Objectives, Curriculum framework objectives, Elementary school |
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Type of Study: Research |
Special Received: 2020/12/22 | Accepted: 2021/02/22 | Published: 2023/05/31
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