The Role of Social Ethic on Societal and Public Security
Abstract: (6065 Views) |
Dept. of Cultural Management, Faculty of Management & Economics, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Background: Attention to ethic is not only related to belief matters and valued beliefs and religious commands but it is also a divinely belief and canonical duties. Due to attention to this concept in most studies as independent variable in theory formation domain, especially in societal matters such as security, this concept is very important. Therefore, in this research we try to study and review the role of social ethic on two concepts of societal security and public security.
Conclusion: In regard to the relation of ethic and societal security it has been shown that ethic plays a role in provision of societal security for both virtuous behavior and participative behavior. regarding the relation of ethic to public security it has been shown that shame and modesty as an ethical concept and guilty feeling as an ethical and religious concept play a role in form of ethical virtuous behaviors in reduction of crime and somehow has a role in public security improvement.
Keywords: Social Ethics, Citizenship Ethics, Societal Security, Public Security |
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Type of Study: Applicable |
Special Received: 2016/06/30 | Accepted: 2016/06/30 | Published: 2016/06/30
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