Representation of Ethical Malfunctions of Intrapersonal Communication Effective on Development of Organizational Talents
Abstract: (1893 Views) |
Background: If ethics considered as the meaning of internal strengths, nature, and qualities, it refers to introspective dimension of human which called intrapersonal communication in the literature of management and psychology. This sight of communication is low researched. So, this study searches the variety of intrapersonal ethical malfunctions that causing factor of wasting the talents.
Method: This study is a qualitative research with phenomenography strategy. Statistical population includes contractual or official employees in north Khorasan province with talent wastage experiment in their self, coworkers or subset human resource. 20 subjects were selected non-randomly among 17 public organizations. The data analyzed in 3 steps of "open", "axial", and "selective" coding, and "outcome space" represented based of them.
Results: After summarizing, lessoning, and coding data, it is founded five focus (internal horizon) in the domain of ethical introspective malfunctions names "interest-seeking", "self-conceit", "pessimism", "indifference" and "idealism", in tree intrapersonal communication context (external horizon) including "
Conclusion: "Indifference" and "pessimism" are high frequent intrapersonal communication malfunctions founded as the most affective factor of preventing developing talents. In other side, the role of thoughts, beliefs and feelings of horizon related to managers recognized more than other external horizons. |
Keywords: Ethical malfunctions, Intrapersonal communications, Talents development wastage |
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Type of Study: Research |
Special Received: 2020/06/11 | Accepted: 2020/06/11 | Published: 2020/06/11
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