1- Dept. of Criminal Law and Criminology, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran 2- Dept. of Criminal Law and Criminology, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran , tmohammadali54@gmail.com
Abstract: (711 Views)
Background: Protection of agricultural and garden lands is essential; On the other hand, the change of unauthorized uses which has turned into a tragedy, it is possible to prevent the change of unauthorized uses by applying and implementing the rules and regulations governing the preservation of the use of agricultural lands and gardens. Unfortunately, today, land suitable for agriculture, regardless of the achievements they have for mankind, construction operations are carried out in them at a fast pace, which is morally inappropriate. Therefore, the present study was formed with the aim of investigating and morally analyzing the change in the use of agricultural lands and gardens. Conclusion: The role of agricultural lands to provide food security for today and future generations is very effective, useful, vital and crucial, and protecting agricultural lands is the moral duty of governments. Therefore, the drafting and approval of the Law on the Preservation of Agricultural Lands and Gardens was actually to deal with unauthorized land use changes and the destruction of agricultural lands and their protection and exploitation, because the protection of water, mines and natural resources and agricultural lands is one of the most important issues in environmental ethics. From an ethical point of view, it should be said: the scope of the rule of subordination and the law of preservation of the use of agricultural lands and gardens is related to the exercise of the owner's right of ownership and dominion over his property and the rights of individuals, and although the subject of both categories is the exercise of rights, but the main difference is in this. that the rule of ownership refers to the exercise of ownership of one's own property, and the law of conservation of use refers to the way of exercising ownership rights and protecting the rights of society and its people.
Haddad Rahmati A, Taheri Bajd M, Hashemi S. Ethical and Legal Analysis of Changing the Use of Agricultural Lands and Gardens. Ethics in Science and Technology 2024; 19 (1) :51-58 URL: http://ethicsjournal.ir/article-1-3227-en.html